Business Oracle Card Reading

As a spiritual business coach, I always use oracle and tarot cards in my coaching sessions as they are so powerful and give accurate guidance to my clients. I recently developed an in depth business oracle card reading to help you if you feel overwhelmed or stuck regarding your business.

I wanted to offer a business reading not just to spiritual business owners but anyone that has a business. Being self-employed is like being on a rollercoaster, especially in the beginning as you’re getting yourself established. However, this reading is very reassuring and gives you guidance on:

  • How to offer value to your customers
  • What products and services you could offer
  • Your short term business focus (next three months)
  • Your long term business focus (next six to twelve months)
  • The future potential for your business
  • New opportunities that exist
  • Where your business is heading over the next year 

As a result, this is a great reading for you if you’re new to your business and could do with some help in business planning, or if you want to grow and expand your business. 

Finally, the reading is sent via email within 72 hours of being ordered. You also receive an audio recording of your reading.

I’m so happy to now be able to use my own deck – The Business Oracle for Female Entrepreneurs in readings! You will receive guidance from cards that I have channelled, making the reading even more powerful!

“Debbie’s beautiful business reading has really opened my eyes and heart to the adventures of having my own spiritual business. I have recently felt the call to expand and transform my business after doing a lot of inner work, and couldn’t think of anyone better to go to for advice than Debbie! The wisdom that she has brought forward for me was so deep, going beyond the almost superficial outside layers of traditional business conditioning to find a more authentic and nourishing place to serve from. It’s so helpful to have the reading emailed so I can continually go back to refresh myself, and allowing different areas of the reading to resonate deeper to be transmuted into action. It’s highlighted the areas of myself that are also filtering into my business, both positive and limiting, to really grasp this connection of my spiritual business being an extension of myself, and that it is unique to me and my clients. Biggest thanks and gratitude to Debbie” 

Chloe Head

“I would highly recommend Debbie’s Business Reading service. I was blown away by how accurate it was in terms of where I was at as the business owner and the business itself. I will definitely be taken the guidance on board that came across in the reading and look forward to the next twelve months in my business.”

Lisa collins

“I have just received a card reading from Debbie. The recent past and current cards were absolutely spot on! I could relate to all of the information. The future cards were all things that I have been thinking about and I was happy to receive some guidance and assurance I was heading in the right direction! Thank you Debbie for bringing me clarity and comfort in knowing I am on the right path! Would absolutely recommend your services to anyone.”

heather spooner