Flower Energy Healing with Gill Minto
As a trained holistic therapist and self-confessed stress-head, I’m always on the look out for new treatments and ways to destress/switch off. I’m lucky enough to run a spiritual Facebook group which has lots of North East based holistic therapists as members. I’d noticed a lady called Gill posting a lot about flowers and their therapeutic benefits, and sharing daily Flower Oracle cards with the group. Over the last few weeks, I have slowed down and spend more time noticing the beauty of nature, and have gravitated towards beautiful gardens and designated areas of natural beauty. So when Gill asked me to review her new Flower Energy Healing treatment, I knew that it was no coincidence that the opportunity had arisen.
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Rose on my nature walk |
I made my way to Kingston Park on the Metro and for some reason decided to use my Google Maps, instead of paying attentions to Gill’s detailed directions. I ended up on a nature trail walking past some stunning gardens and amazing flowers, what stands out in my memory are some particularly huge poppies and lavender roses. Snails and slugs were snaking their way across the pavement in front and behind me as I walked. Everything seemed to be in technicolour. I realised that I was about a ten minute walk away from where I should be, but luckily Gill came to meet me on the path and showed me the way.
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Gill’s flower meditation |
I instantly warmed to her positive energy, and felt very relaxed in her therapy room (as well as a variety of flowers in a vase next to me, there were flower photos scattered around the walls). Gill had explained to me beforehand that the treatments is tailored to the client personally, and would involve a combination of aspects including a flower meditation, chakra balancing, flower card readings, aura stroking, fragrance focussing and general advice about flowers and how they can help the client. The healing benefits of flowers are well-known, with many people turning to Bach Flower Remedies to help to deal with difficult emotions. More and more people are realising that spending time in nature is essential for self-care. With more and more people affected by mental health issues – anxiety, depression, and stress, we need to turn to nature and the healing it offers more than ever.
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Gill’s flowers, salt lamp and refreshments |
Gill had chosen some flowers prior to the treatment using her intuition, and when she handed me a sunflower to meditate on, my mood immediately lifted. I did a short meditation and focussed on its happy face. She said she was guided to mention bluebells to me, as they are Prior to the treatment I had been suffering from anxiety for the past three or four weeks, and insomnia. I started to feel better after the meditation. I took a sip of Pukka Love tea and hopped up onto the massage table. Gill told me that she would choose a flower for the aura stroking and chakra balancing part of the treatment. I put a lavender pillow over my eyes and completely zoned out for twenty (or thirty minutes). I very quickly started to feel a lot of my tension disappear and felt light enter my body. Afterwards Gill told me she had started off using a white rose and was guided to change to a pink rose during the energy work. (She later told me that the meaning of the pink rose is that you’re beautiful just are you are. I really needed to hear that after going through a crisis of confidence/career change recently).
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Me, flowers and Gill |
I’d noticed Gill’s Flower Therapy Oracle cards and Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves book Flower Therapy in her therapy room and she offered to draw a card for me. Two jumped out immediately, Shield Yourself and Cleanse Your Energy. I had to laugh, because I felt like I was taking on negativity left, right and centre! They gave me practical advice on how to feel better and raise my vibration. She also gave me a prescription for a healing bath – pink rose petals (I took the pink rose with me), a candle, essential oils and Himalayan salt (which I enjoyed later that night). Before I left, Gill suggested that I change my phone and laptop screensavers to flowers and even sent me some photos I could use after I left. She also inspired me to do a sunset meditation, and sit outside in the garden as the sun was going down to help with my sleep.
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My Flower Therapy Oracle Cards |
I walked back to the Metro carrying my pink rose, feeling much more connected and peaceful than I had in a while. Thank you Gill for the opportunity to try this wonderful new treatment. I have a feeling that it is exactly what people need in times like these.
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Flower petal bath prescribed by Gill |
Well this sounds a bit different! Not something I'd normally try but to be honest I'd give anything a go at the moment if it helped me chill out!
Well this sounds a bit different! Not something I'd normally try but to be honest I'd give anything a go at the moment if it helped me chill out!
It's lovely – I highly recommend it!
It's lovely – I highly recommend it!